Involuntary Soul Evolution

At this phase of time and space (Kaliyuga) of the world, souls hardly have any energies by which they can actually follow the required four aspects of the human personality i.e. Satya (Truth), Sauchih (Cleanliness of mind and intellect), Tapah (discipline) and Daya (kindness).  

People cannot evolve by meditation and other practices in life. Evolving through meditation itself takes many thousands of years. If you talk about Kriya Yoga which is so far the FASTER soul evolving  technology, even that would take few thousands of years as that also has to be practiced by man and out of his will power to follow that path. 

Nature, the cosmic womb which is this whole world has already fallen behind from its expected rate of evolution of human consciousness.  In order to expedite the evolution of the human consciousness,  Nature is naturally invoking the kundalini of the people who have better minds or little universal minds (and also based on their past lives karma and various other aspects of soul records). Nature actually does not involve in invoking the kundalini of the souls as it happens as per their karma and also when their Gurus intervene with their system, may be then, the kundalini will be invoked.

But after invoking the kundalini, the evolution of it would be totally in the hands of the super natural power through the Guru who invoked the Kundalini. But Involuntary Kundalini and its operations are not at all known to the Gurus that are there on the earth at this moment. That is the reason why most of the Gurus say, they do not know about this or some say, negative about these involuntary path and some even try to say that these kriyas need to be stopped. 

Very few Gurus are there, because of their Shaktipat (the cosmic energy), the kundalini of some people are naturally getting  invoked. But those gurus are also able to just invoke the kundalini and leave the people. They are not able to GUIDE THEM FURTHER and ADVANCE THEIR DISCIPLES because of lack of knowledge about Involuntary Soul Evolution.

Involuntary Kundalini Kriya Yoga and its path of evolution and the kind of cosmic energies and their involvement in the whole journey, the practices that need to be adopted and all are not taught by all these Gurus (thought they can just invoke the kundalini through shaktipat). 

Involuntary Kundalini Kriya Yoga happens with Involuntary Manthan or Involuntary churning of the consciousness of the practitioner. You can check the following Involuntary Evolution video and understand. 

If you have initial level of involuntary movements in your meditation due to invoking of your kundalini (not awakening), you can take up online lessons from Manthan Involuntary Kundalini Kriya Yoga path, which you can practice from home. You will have text, video and audio formats of lessons which you can practice from home. This path will help you HAVE THE GURU WITHIN so that you will get the guidance from within to transform and prosper in your life.

You will experience joy, transformation and prosperity in life automatically or involuntarily by following the path of Manthan Involuntary Kriya Yoga - You can check at and you can also check


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