Experiencing involuntary movements or spontaneous movements in Meditation is the sign of "kundalini invoking". Nature wants you to evolve further by awakening and advancing your kundalini upward through all chakras by following the path of Manthan Involuntary Kundalini Kriya Yoga. The path helps you with the GURU WITHIN to evolve and prosper
If you have spinning or rotation in meditation you belong to Manthan Kriya Yoga. Your kundalini may naturally get invoked when you do meditation due which the involuntary or spontaneous movements would start naturally. Soul evolution happens through several lives. Due to the yogic practices in past lives, your kundalini may get naturally invoked. The initial level of kriyas due to kundalini invoking is called "Spanda Kriyas". The yogic path meant for the actual transformation and evolution can happen through Manthan Kriya Yoga which is nothing churning of the consciousness. You can check www.hariom.life , www.omism.life for more details.
This blog could clear many doubts of yours if you have such experiences in meditation.
1. Why spinning / rotation / involuntary movements happen in meditation
Due to abundant cosmic energies, and contacting your astral body, you body gets lightened and you would experience astral movements within your body. These movements initially would be slow and happing within and the movement would be much faster that it would have impact on your physical body. Due these unstoppable movements, your body also starts spinning. This is a sign that you ready to take up advanced stage of kriya yoga path. It happens when you are ready to go to the next phase of spirituality which is of involuntary transformation. This new phase is called Involuntary Kriya Yoga and it is the highest level of meditation that happens automatically. Churning the consciousness is the fastest cleansing process in meditation and the churning of your mind and karma happens through real life situations too.
It starts when you have constant spiritual chain of thoughts or an unknown and unstoppable urge towards spirituality and meditation and that’s when it manifests in soul and descend down to physical body. You would also observe that this spinning would take place in different parts of body. Sometimes in the head (head moving in circular fashion) sometimes in the chest (you unknowingly start moving the chest part in circular fashion), sometimes in the stomach , some times, hands moving unknowingly in your meditation, or whole body moving forward and backward (or side to side). To some people, before spinning starts, their head would move back or to a side. A kind of PULL like feeling would be experienced. You can feel your heart beat rising sometimes. However these are not to be taken as symptoms of illness. These are the body’s natural reactions to the cosmic force entering your body and cleansing.
2. How Involuntary kiryas or involuntary movements happen?
Involuntary movements start naturally. It happens to those based on previous birth’s Samskaras (traits) and their levels of spirituality. When initial spanda kriyas advance and when the actual path of "Manthan Kriya Yoga is taken up", then the physical energy is converted to spiritual energy, the spiritual energy is converted into conscious mind energy, conscious mind energy is converted to that of the subconscious mind energy and finally this subconscious mind energy is converted to super consciousness. Involuntary movements when you touch the "traits" in your subconsciousness which carry energies. Traits carrying those energies make you get into these kriyas. Some people move their hands, some people naturally put various yogic mudras, some people dance and some even sing. For some people, the body may rotate and some peoplem, they may rotate violently.
3. Path is correct or not !
The path of spirituality is a natural process. Based on our past lives, the Nature connects to all people to respective paths (even normal people choosing their careers etc). Its like guiding and gather likeminded people. In the same, THE NATURE also connects the respective aspirants to this path. Due to higher level of spiritual practices done by the aspirants in previous births, this in some people spinning kriya starts automatically. An unknown urge towards spirituality is a very initial force that takes the aspirants to this level and when they start meditating it recoups and connects to involuntary movements.
Aspirants who experience this involuntary kriyas or involuntary movements, would not have to get scared and go to hospitals etc. It is happening for your soul, mind and body transformation. As the automatic kriyas or involuntary kriyas start, aspirants will be guided from within, Nature will connect you to MANTHA KRIYA YOGA PATH (www.hariom.life , www.omism.life).
These INITIAL LEVEL OF KRIYAS DUE TO KUNDALINI INVOKING, do not evolve you anywhere. They keep invoking the HIDDEN TRAITS and accordingly your body moves in meditation and in real life also those traits (you carry various traits. Some are good, some are bad and they are classified into Satva, Rajo and Thamo gunas). Those sleeping layers will be touched in your initial spanda kriyas. They they will wake up and start acting on your body (in your meditation) and in your real life also act with those traits. They carry eneergies so you cannot stop them (as your soul energies are less). It is like a smoker wanting to quit smoking (he knows that smoking is bad habit but he cannot quit as his soul does not have energies that can control the energies of the "bad trait" of smoking). In the same way, the energies of those traits rule you, in your meditation and also in your life. So after starting these kriyas, you may experience some changes in life that could wake up some pains and troubles. So, as the Kundalini Invoking has already happened naturally, the next level of "Involuntary Manthan Kundalni Kriya Yoga" has to be taken up to advance with these kriyas, by properly awakening the kundalini. Manthan means churning. Churning of the consciousness is a very ancient kundalini technique initiated by the super natural power (you can probably refer to Samudra Manthan on Wikipedia) . When Manthan kriya starts with you, these kriyas will happen CONSCIOUSLY within at various chakras and nerves in the body. The path contains ancient SANATAN DHARMA yogic practices which will transform your mind, intellect and life not only spiritually but also materialistically. You will be able to experience prosperity and happiness in life involuntarily, once you start the path of "Manthan Kundalini Kriya Yoga"
5. Misconceptions
Many people think that these initial movements are happening to kundalini awakening. Nature will not awaken your kundalini, as it is not even the work of Nature to awaken your kundalini. Without proper guidance and Guru's energy being around, one cannot awaken their kundalini. So it is Nature who will get into problem if your kundalini is awakened. Because without clean mind and intellect, kundalini awakening not only danger to one's own life but also to the whole world. So Nature would not way awaken your kundalini. So the initial involuntary movements or spontaneous kriyas you are having are not due to kundalini awakening but they are just due to Kundalini Invoking. Kundalini is made to ready to advance or you can say in simple words like Kundalini's lid is open so that it can advance. Opening the lid is the only work of Nature. Later, its advancement and its journey through all chakras by cleaning the mind, intellect, sanskaras (traits) and karma is the work of the Guru. Guru does not mean those show off Gurus with big establishments. A real Guru would help even without interacting with you. You can check this FAQs section further to understand.
Nature is this whole cosmic womb in which all living beings and non living beings are there. The cosmic management energy of the womb is the actual operator of all positive actions of the people. The initial PUSH energy in the form of intuition is given by Nature that actually makes us all "take actions" as per our karmas (so that we burn our karmas). But after the initial intuition, based on your TRAITS and intellect, you decide and do some actions (some of which fall in line with Nature's directions and some do not). Nature's directions are meant for you to cut your karma so your soul will transform and move forward to get out of this bondage of cosmic womb. But most of us, do actions out of our rationality again which further earn karmas to us. Animals and birds and all get food this way based on Nature's cosmic womb directions.
5. Problems in life
You must have gone through already various problems in life and you should also be going through some problems currently. To get out of those problems, you may take up meditation to get some peace. That is when you exactly get invoked. So the problems and all are meant for you to reach this stage so that your kundalini gets invoked.
6. So the next question is why Nature should invoke your Kundalini?
Nature's work is to guide all souls to burn their karmas. When they burn their karmas, their soul evolution happens. When soul evolution happens, mind and real life also gets better. So the problems in life will have to RESOLVE, if you advance the "invoked kundalini" through properly awakening it by taking up the actual yogic path meant for this - which is Manthan Kundalini Kriya Yoga.
Nature's work is to guide all souls to burn their karmas. When they burn their karmas, their soul evolution happens. When soul evolution happens, mind and real life also gets better. So the problems in life will have to RESOLVE, if you advance the "invoked kundalini" through properly awakening it by taking up the actual yogic path meant for this - which is Manthan Kundalini Kriya Yoga.
7. Manthan Kundalini Kriya Yoga
Manthan Kundalini kriya yoga is an involuntary way of churning the human consciousness with the help of the super natural power or the divine. Nature is invoking kundalinis of several people in the world to evolve the WORLD and HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS. Shree Guru from Manthan Kriya Yoga experienced the involuntary spanda kriyas in his mother's womb. Meditation related to Manthan Kriya Yoga used to happen in him right from his childhood. Later after his education, he went to the US for his career purpose. He fell sick unknowingly for a month during which he was called to Himalayas by Shree Mahavatar Babaji. He left all his career, money and went to Himalayas to pursue the path of Manthan Kundalini Kriya Yoga. After THE SELF TRANSFORMATION, he was asked to get into normal life to help people who will be invoked by the Nature. He has set up online lessons of "Manthan Kundalini Kriya Yoga". With the help of all cosmic forces and the super natural power, the Manthan Kriya Yoga gets initiated so that their kundalini will advance naturally. Gnanaana, Bhakti, Kundalini Kriya Yogas happen naturally in this path. Those who have "Initial Spanda Kriyas" or those who have problems in life or those who are seeking spiritual transformation can take up these online lessons. Once you start with the lessons "GURU WITHIN" will be invoked and you can naturally pursue the directions from the GURU WITHIN and transform in your life. You can check www.omism.life and www.hariom.life to know more details about the "Online Lessons". Lessons are available in text, video and audio formats which you can follow and practice from home. For any clarity etc, you can take the help of Shree Guru.
Manthan Kundalini kriya yoga is an involuntary way of churning the human consciousness with the help of the super natural power or the divine. Nature is invoking kundalinis of several people in the world to evolve the WORLD and HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS. Shree Guru from Manthan Kriya Yoga experienced the involuntary spanda kriyas in his mother's womb. Meditation related to Manthan Kriya Yoga used to happen in him right from his childhood. Later after his education, he went to the US for his career purpose. He fell sick unknowingly for a month during which he was called to Himalayas by Shree Mahavatar Babaji. He left all his career, money and went to Himalayas to pursue the path of Manthan Kundalini Kriya Yoga. After THE SELF TRANSFORMATION, he was asked to get into normal life to help people who will be invoked by the Nature. He has set up online lessons of "Manthan Kundalini Kriya Yoga". With the help of all cosmic forces and the super natural power, the Manthan Kriya Yoga gets initiated so that their kundalini will advance naturally. Gnanaana, Bhakti, Kundalini Kriya Yogas happen naturally in this path. Those who have "Initial Spanda Kriyas" or those who have problems in life or those who are seeking spiritual transformation can take up these online lessons. Once you start with the lessons "GURU WITHIN" will be invoked and you can naturally pursue the directions from the GURU WITHIN and transform in your life. You can check www.omism.life and www.hariom.life to know more details about the "Online Lessons". Lessons are available in text, video and audio formats which you can follow and practice from home. For any clarity etc, you can take the help of Shree Guru.
8. Nature connecting you to Manthan Involuntary Kundalini Kriya Yoga
If you are reading this blog, it means, that NATURE has directed you to this page for your basic understanding. It has connected and done its job of showing you the path meant for you. Just like animals, birds and even people are connected to their karmas by the Nature for them to survive in the womb of Nature, you are also connected like that to this page and the path meant for you to advance. Weather you take up the path or not your decision based on your WILL (WILL is given to the soul. Even the God does not take away the WILL of the individual soul). Your INDIVIDUAL WILL is your individual EGO (jeevatma, which is your limited consciousness) of separation from the cosmic consciousness. The separated will or limited ego is the one that has bound you to this cosmic womb of Nature. Submission of this individual EGO happens in a gradual way like an onion stripping its layers and in this journey, Guru and the path help you. The path does not mean, just soul evolution. Path also means to give you good material life, prosperity, happiness, good health, good career, good businesses and good relationships in life.
9. Understanding the Today's man and his spiritual evolution
There are several yogis living around the world who do not even know that they are yogis. They may be living their regular lives wearing jeans, going go offices and having normal life but yet their SOUL THIRST for their spiritual evolution would always be there within them. Many of them are caught in various problems related to their careers, finances, health, relationships, business and various other problems. In every man's life problems exist because NON INVOKED and NON AWAKENED KUNDALINI and its advancement. Kundlini advancement is tied to getting rid of these problems so they can unclutch themselves from their attachments and advance in their soul journey towards getting out of this cosmic womb of Nature.
10. Fears about Gurus
Many of you are afraid of Spiritual Gurus in the world by the way they are currently conducting themselves. Many of you are busy in your lives and careers but yet, as this Kundlaini Invoking has happened, you do not find ways to where to go and whom to find. Several people whose kundalini is awakened have approached several Gurus and MOST OF THEM do not know the actual and Natural operation of kundalini. All of them would say the meditation that is happening in you with these movements are wrong. Exactly for this purpose, Shree Guru was sent to Himalayas. Thi is the reason why has setup online classes for people like you who can practice the path from home, transform and prosper by all means in lives.
In this process, you should have positive thinking and should not think negatively about others. You should get rid of lust, jealous, anger, greed and also maintain healthy vegetarian food habits.
9. What happens when you forcibly stop involuntary movements?
This may lead to headache or constant irritation or probably have various other health issues developed due to stopping the kundalini advancement. To prevent such things from happening you should not stop yourself. Due to storage of energies in various chakras and nerves as you stopped would lead various body ailments.
6. Tips and Help
1. Lam
2. Vam
3. Ram
4. Yam
5. Hamm
6. Om Guru Devaya Namaha
7. Hariom
You can chant these mantras in addition to any mantras you are currently chanting (in case you are chanting). Then, you may find some initial changes in life. After experiencing those changes, for the actual evolution and prosperity in life with the help of "Involuntary Manthan Kundalini Kriya Yoga" you can contact on Whatsapp us on +91-9347578781
You can also check the websites www.hariom.life and www.omism.life for more details
Thank you for sharing such great information.It is informative, can you help me in finding out more detail on Yoga And Meditation ,iam interested and would like to know more about this field and wanted to understand the basics of Yoga exercise
ReplyDeleteYoga is not about physical exercises through they are preliminary ones that actually lead man from body to mind and then from there to soul! It is a huge field by itself! You can check the mantras of five elements then you will start experiencing and moving towards the truth. Five elements are your core being in the form of chakras and they will connect you to your spiritual plane!
ReplyDeleteThis has recently happened to me during a hypnosis session. I felt like I was spinning with the earth and it was happening pretty fast.
ReplyDeleteExtremely gud article.thx a lot
ReplyDeleteYou have explained spinning in meditation so simply. Absolutely amazing 🙏
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this. I am experiencing spinning whenever I go into present moment in the body. Thank you for the science behind it !!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. It cleared the mind. Whenever I sit for meditation chanting Om Namah Shivaya body starts spinning and leads to in forming different yogasanas. Thanks. Gratitude
ReplyDeleteFor more information about kundalini kriyas, spontaneous kriyas, check www.omism.life
ReplyDeleteThere is a superior yogic science behind this called manthan (churning) , by which one can evolve by soul and by mind and body much faster. You can gain prosperity and fix problems in life. You can check www.youtube.com/user/prakritikriya (Involuntary Kundalini Playlist) and www.omism.life. Online lessons of this yogic science is available at https://www.omism.life/online-lessons/
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThis is happening to me. I have never considered myself spiritual: never done yoga or meditation. Things came to a head a few months into the quarantine as my relationships and life situations became more self-evident I suppose. Then my landlord sold the place so my son and I got evicted after living there for 13 years. We are in a new place for a bit, My job is up in the air, and my special-needs son can’t access distance learning from this new place.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, it’s not really a good time for me to be exploring all of this new stuff. Oh, and forgot to mention that I was involuntarily committed In mid-July for 12 days as a result of massive confusion and an apparent PTSD reaction (“grave danger to self”); it didn’t help that I haven’t been eating as I struggle with an eating disorder. Lastly, we can’t even open our door because of the smoke and nothing is open to go spend time outside of the house. Left in these four walls: no tv and garbage bags of clothing strewn open on the floor...
Looking now and reading about the signs of Kundalini awaking, I’m afraid this poor wretch of a soul needs to now figure this out along with everything else. The spinning is only one element on top of many uncomfortable and some pleasant others.
Is there a place one could point a beginner like me?
Many thanks, amy
This is happening to me. I have never considered myself spiritual: never done yoga or meditation. Things came to a head a few months into the quarantine as my relationships and life situations became more self-evident I suppose. Then my landlord sold the place so my son and I got evicted after living there for 13 years. We are in a new place for a bit, My job is up in the air, and my special-needs son can’t access distance learning from this new place.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, it’s not really a good time for me to be exploring all of this new stuff. Oh, and forgot to mention that I was involuntarily committed In mid-July for 12 days as a result of massive confusion and an apparent PTSD reaction (“grave danger to self”); it didn’t help that I haven’t been eating as I struggle with an eating disorder. Lastly, we can’t even open our door because of the smoke and nothing is open to go spend time outside of the house. Left in these four walls: no tv and garbage bags of clothing strewn open on the floor...
Looking now and reading about the signs of Kundalini awaking, I’m afraid this poor wretch of a soul needs to now figure this out along with everything else. The spinning is only one element on top of many uncomfortable and some pleasant others.
Is there a place one could point a beginner like me?
Many thanks, amy
ONLINE INVOLUNTARY TRANSFORMATION SCHOOL - http://www.hariom.life. There is a specific path by following which, you can evolve with these involuntary kriyas.
DeleteONLINE INVOLUNTARY TRANSFORMATION SCHOOL - www.hariom.life. There is a specific path by following which, you can evolve with these involuntary kriyas.
ReplyDeleteYes, we have read your emails and messages. There is a cosmic force of sea-bed consciousness which is called God by the religions, does several involuntary operations your body such as - your breath management, your life force management, your heart beat management the unseen forces behind your body organs because you are able to digest food (including going to loo) are all unseen involuntary works of that sea-bed which man things he is doing. Meditation is just part of YOGA that has to run all times 24 hours so that you function in harmony with the laws of Nature. When that happens involuntarily by slowing lifting your hands (surrendering to that divine), then you will develop that INNER EYE to perceive all these actions of the divine. So when you get into that path, when you experience that divine as GURU WITHIN then you will start transforming involuntarily and prosper in your life. Not just meditation, your professional skills will start excelling involuntarily, you will start attracting people involuntarily, your health will get better involuntarily and the total life becomes a kind of involuntary journey on the divine shoulders when he does all those!
ReplyDeleteYou have perfectly said Guruji. I am still going through several problems in life. They all exist because of traits as you said. These kriyas awaken all those traits and expose us to the problems until we take up the actual involuntary evolution path of kundalini awakening. I visited your sites http://www.omism.life and http://www.hariom.life - I have contacted them for online lessons. I will subscribe to your lessons and pursue the path.
ReplyDeleteHariom .... Loves from Manthan Kriya Yoga
DeleteThanks a lot for all the information. I will take up online lessons. One of my friends has already taken up your online lessons. He referred me to you. I will contact you on the given number.
ReplyDeleteYou can contact +91-9550262787, Shree Guru will not be able to message you, but at least some one will be there around to help you - loves from Manthan Kriya Yoga
DeleteI am having spontaneous kriyas. It looks like these answers are given to me directly. It is true that after invocation of these kriyas in me, problems in my life have increased. I have gone to many gurs. All took money but no one helped me. I will take up your online lessons.
ReplyDeleteOur Loves to you and your family -Hariom
DeleteHari om shree Guru I am so much worried about my mother who is possessed by some bad spirits. After watching your videos and website I took online lessons and started practising it. Slowly day by day I started seeing good changes in her. Thank you Shree Guru from the bottom of my heart.
ReplyDeleteOur loves to your mother - Hariom
DeleteNamaste Shree Guru after practising your lessons l started experiencing the Guru from within. I have never experienced this technology from anybody.
ReplyDeleteHariom Prakasha -- yes get more and more tuned to the Guru within! - Loves to you from Manthan Kriya Yoga
DeleteNamaste sir I am practising the mantras given in the website sir. I am very much satistified with changes in my life. Very soon I will join the online classes sir.
ReplyDeleteLoves to you from Manthan Kriya Yoga